Forum Replies Created

headaches on accutane..

Nah its fairly normal unless the headaches are absoloutely unbearable and constant. Try drinking a lot of water as dehydration plays a big part in it. I had a headache last night for a few hours, ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

16 years ago
How long have you had acne

I developed acne out of nowhere 3 months ago and it has absolutely destroyed my confidence. I read one of your posts when I first started posting on this board and I just wanna give you a

In forum Adult acne

16 years ago
How long have you had acne

Is it a good or a bad thing that I have no idea? I don't see how anyone can remember how long they've had it. I sure couldn't. I remember b/c it was when I got pregnant with my first child.. He is m...

In forum Adult acne

16 years ago
How long have you had acne

I've had it for almost 8 years.. It really is debilitating and no one understands unless they suffer from the same thing.. I am the ONLY one of my friends who has it and they never understand when I...

In forum Adult acne

16 years ago
FRAXEL REPAIR asian skin me. DAY ONE

Any new updates?

In forum Scar treatments

16 years ago
When did your IB start & end....

Do you guys use topicals to tame the IB? Not yet.. Im more concerned about scaring, seems that the topicals leave scars, well in my case anyway

In forum Prescription acne medications

16 years ago
When did your IB start & end....

I'm on day 12 and I'm not sure if I've had an IB. couple of spots have appeared recently, but nothing major. I am patiently waiting for a breakout though. Just want to get it out of the way so I don'...

In forum Prescription acne medications

16 years ago