User's Review Comments : Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)
January 23, 2017
I deal with the same thing. My breakout on the left side of my face would clear up and then right side would break out and then IT would clear up. Then left would break out etc. Just stick with it. I've been using it for the past 5-6 months and it's life changing once you see the results. Im not completely clear on the left side of my face but the AHA is doing its work to blear up that hyperpigmentation. Also DO NOT touch your face at any time during the day. Do not lean on it or even rub. If it itches, deal with it but do not touch it. It is so critical and once you stop that you will see a dramatic change in your acne. I can't stress enough how important it is not to touch you face at all. Also don't rub your face with a hoodie or anything like that during the day. If you do all that and really follow the regimen it works! Don't give up!