User's Review Comments

Not Washing or Water Only
May 26, 2016
hi there! so your clogged pores went away after you did this? Thanks for the help!
May 26, 2016
oh no it gave you more clogged pores? ugh 🙁 that's what I was hoping to get on this regimen to get rid of...
Sea Salt
May 23, 2016
hi there! just wondering, how long did it take your clogged pores to go away with the sea salt method? I used face wash and they broke my skin out bad in clogged pores and just wondering how long before you saw results? (just to see if this is actually working for me) thanks x
Banana Peel
December 12, 2017
Hi, I'm not sure as it's what inside the peel that I believe helps, not the outside tough skin. I dont really use the banana anymore because I feel like I didn't have the energy to do it every day and it was kind of messy. I use dickinson witch hazel as spot treatment and random face masks every once a week or every other week and my skin is 90% better. Good luck 🙂
February 13, 2017
To say I was skeptical of this is undermining how I really felt. I was just having a bad breakout week as well as a rash from a medication and was desperate and nothing else was working so I stumbled across this and thought, whatever why not? Rubbed a banana peel on the spots for a minute, then let it dry and went to sleep. (others did this three times a day, but I only had time to do it at night so I only did it once a day) Woke up a significantly less red face and shrunken pimples. I continued this for 3 more nights and my skin is 60% better and facial redness/rash is completely gone. I haven't used anything else and I know my face wouldn't have cleared up on its own that quickly. So give it a try! It can't hurt and it's natural!