User's Review Comments

April 21, 2017
It did come back not as bad but still bad within a year of going off the meds. It's very upsetting because I don't want to be on meds for the rest of my life.
April 18, 2016
About a year ago I started getting a horrible acne break out on my lower jawline and neck area. Nothing I could do was getting rid of it and I tried every name brand on the market. It was sore, inflamed, rash like, and made me want to hide my face in a bag. I have extremely extremely oily skin like every 2-4 hours I can wipe my face with a napkin and see through it kind of oily and I went though puberty early so I have always had some minor-moderate acne for most my life I am used to it. This was an entirely new thing it was horrible, painful, and both physically and mentally scarring to have people stop you an ask what is wrong with your face. I finally went to see my dermatologist and I almost cried in relief when he told me it was a hormonal issue rather than anything I was doing that caused my problem I went on doxy-cycline and a gel for about 6 months and it cleared up my issue like a dream come true. I am now off it for about 4-6 months and I stil have minor acne that I combat with witch hazel and tea tree oil but that is normal and When treated it heals and goes away and I'll take it over a rashy, painful, never ending acne attack any day. The scarring on my jawline is healing up nicely and the red blotchiness that had taken over my lower jaw has a year later almost gone away completely. I wish I could post before and after pictures just to show you how much it helped. While it might not help everyone it was litterally a blessing for me. I didn't have any negative side effects or issues with with it however side note the duac-gel they normally give you to apply topically along with the pill should be used ONCE a day to start out with like the Dr. prescribes do not be me and apply it liberally multiple times a day and think it will help more all you will do is dry the ever loving heck out of your skin and cause pain and massive flakiness take it from me. Also see a dermatologist sooner rather than later I can't help but think if I had gone sooner then I would have healed quicker and would had had less scarring that can only be healed by time.
Tea Tree Oil
May 9, 2016
There really isn't a ratio I just kind of wing it until it looks damp enough. I know that's not helpful but at least a cup of witch hazel for a whole container of paper towels not packed too tightly. I've also been adding some apple cider vinegar with the mother and lavender oil as well with good effect.
April 18, 2016
I use tea tree oil diluted with witch hazel and distilled water in a face wipes concoction I keep in a Tupperware container it works really well but I have extremely extremely oily skin so the fact that this concoction is drying is for me a good thing. A little tea tree oil diluted goes a long way with acne. I did try it undiluted for a while but that just seemed to aggravate my acne I now use it with the witch hazel and some water and find it is less harsh I guess which allows the acne to heal without it going into over drive extremely dry sore face lets explode acne mode. I find this helps my oily / hormonal acne flare ups to heal quicker and that I get less of them with consistent use.