Forum Replies Created

Diane 35

Ive been on diane for 3 1/2 months now. I got severe adult acne in about March this year but always suffered mild acne growing up. I tried lots of things before i went to the dr but nothing worked! 3 ...

In forum Hormonal acne

15 years ago
Acnepril work?

Ive been on it for nearly three weeks, taking two tablets morning and two at night. At first it seemed it was working, inflammation went down heaps and pimples were smaller but three weeks into it im ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

15 years ago
AHA is not a required element

Has anyone here tried clean & clears active clear soothing moisturiser? Its from Johnson & Johnson. Its oil-free but it tends to make me break out more I think. Does anyone here who has tried ...

In forum The Regimen

18 years ago