User's Review Comments

Apple Cider Vinegar (as a drink)
April 22, 2018
Hi there. I'm afraid using ACV as a drink did little for me. I am however using it with the Aztec healing facial clay and am finding some relief. I have also drastically reduced my diet to little gluten and no dairy or vegetable oil. I eat lots of fruit and veg, drink lots of water. My skin has somewhat improved but acne remains an everyday concern and obsession for me. In reality I'm managing a condition I cannot cure. Please feel free to drop me a message if you think I can help you in any way. Regards
March 18, 2018
December 31, 2017
I'm 34yo male, suffered since 14, used everything from long and various dosage courses of isotretinoin, antibiotics etc etc etc. You get the picture. Had not tried this as of yet but have had suspicions for a while my issue is an internal digestion one. I get now more inflammed 'red dot' and 'under the skin' type acne than when I was a teenager, which was more pustule. My diet has been ultra clean for years. I gave up dairy some time ago, and never eat artificial sugar. I try to keep all food I eat on the low GI side of the scale. I trialled not eating gluten but this didn't really have an effect on me. I also take zinc piccolate twice a day. And so, here I am, two weeks in to trying out ACV as a drink. I have a bad breakout, worse than normal. I'm hoping this is the so called 'purge' stage. I'll write back here in a couple more weeks to provide any progress in the hope it can help anyone.