Forum Replies Created

What type of Scars do I have and best treatment for them

Thanks a lot @beautifulambition I will definitely go for the vascular laser next month.In the meantime, do you think azelaic acid(20%) will work on my pie??.I was recommended azelaic acid few months b...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
What type of Scars do I have and best treatment for them

@grandor Lol..I didn't knew we can take pics with potato..just kidding, actually camera of my mobile sucks and the lighting was pretty bad at that time.Sorry for that..Actually I don't hav...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
What type of Scars do I have and best treatment for them

Hello everyone!!This is my first post on this forum.I'm 19 and I have been suffering from acne and acne scars from 2 years.Luckily, in my case the breakouts occur only on my cheeks but I'm dealing wit...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago