Forum Replies Created

Constant, Inflamed Acne On Chin And Forehead

Have you gone to a dermatologist? My friend years ago had something that looked familiar to what you have and it turned out not to be acne but some type of bacterial infection or something like that. ...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago

The niacinmide I take is prescribed by my derm. I believe it's 700 mg ( I could be totally wrong). I haven't taken it in a few weeks because I'm too lazy to drop off my prescription but when my derm p...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Supplements That May Help My Acne?

I think so. I take niacinmide and my face is clear BUT mine is prescribed by my dermatologist so it's strength is much stronger then what you can buy.

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago

Are you taking the vitamins for your acne? and has it worked? I take niacinmide ( with Zinc and Folic Acid) and my acne is gone.

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Cystic Acne Questions

I would not consider that to be a cyst whatsoever! there's a huge whitehead in that! it actually looks super fun to pop. Whenever I get one of those pimples with a huge whitehead, i pop it, it flys on...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Is Going To A Dermatologist Useless?

No its actually Niacinmide with Zinc, folic acid and cupric acid. It's a vitamin B complex

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Is Going To A Dermatologist Useless?

My dermatologist hates to give me antibiotics. I used to go to another doctor in her office, and he had me on spiro, but then I started to go to her and she took me off of it. Which I was kinda pissed...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
I'm Confused About Severe Acne/cystic Acne

I've actually wondered this myself! 3 years ago when I went to a dermatologist, he rated my acne as moderate and I thought he was crazy. He then later explained that he did this for two reasons. Becau...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Drawing Salve For Cysts?

I've never used it for a cyst, but I have for a splinter and it worked amazing! so it's worth a try!

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Is This Acne? (Pics Included)

Hey. How old are you? Are you in your early twenties because while I did have a minor problem with acne during my teenage years, I had clear skin from the age of 16 to 21 and then I started getting ho...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Not Sure If Cyst Or Mosquisto/bedbug Bite?

I would go to a dermatologist.

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
"wacky" Tips Recommended By Your Derm?

I really laughed out loud when I read this! I would probably have a heart attack if she was my derm. I'm addicted to my eos chapstick and what is she, a dentist now too? Maybe colgate has flouride in ...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Is This Bad Enough To Need Treatment?

Yes! Make an appointment with a dermatologist. They really can help. A few years ago when I went to a dermatologist, they classified my acne as moderate and I literally only had 3 or 4 pimples on my f...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
22 Months Of Low-Dose Accutane.

Gator, I take these vitamins called niacinmide. My acne was mild when I was prescribed it; I would only have maybe one or two tiny peoples at a time, but since I've started taking them, I only get may...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Breakouts! From Folic Acid Or Yasmin?

My dermatologist prescribes me vitamins and there's folic acid in it, and it has really helped me! (there's also other vitamins in it as well)..but honestly, my hair and nails grow super fast now, my ...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Is This Hormonal Or This Acne?

It almost looks as though your skin was burned or something. But I agree with A.P., call a dermatologist immediately and tell them it's an emergency and ask to be seen right away. if you can't find a ...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
Would A Visit To The Dermatologist Help?

I would go because they can help you get rid of the other issues you are dealing with.

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Its Killing Me Inside

hey you're still young so more than likely you're going to grow out of this.(i'm sure you heard that before) I agree with your mom about her not allowing you to take accutane. I mean, I haven't seen p...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Hair Removal When You Have Acne

I don't have excess hair but I am really anal about any hair on my face (or anywhere else on my body) so I constantly am getting my eyebrows threaded and once every 3 to 4 months I get the side of my ...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Is This A Nodule? Worth A Cortisone Shot?

that's awesome that it came to a head! i don't think any of mine ever have so i'm a little jealous lol.

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Is This A Nodule? Worth A Cortisone Shot?

that looks more like a cyst than a nodule to me but it's on your neck and it probably really isn't that noticeable to people so I would wait a few more days and see if it goes away on it's own. If it ...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Getting Completely Clear (Please Read)

This makes sense because the vitamins I take that my dermatologist gives me are a bunch of different vitamin bs and my face is perfectly clear now (except when I forget to take my vitamins for weeks a...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
What To Do? Anyone Ever Had This?

Hey. How do you needle around the sac? And to be quite honest, the cyst that I had that last three months was about 4 years ago so I it's hard for me to remember what exactly it was like, but it was a...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Need Advice (Pics)

Hey since you said that you have scarring on your cheek, I would say mild. You don't really seem to have many active pimples. How old are those marks? Because if they're still fairly new, they could j...

In forum Adult acne

12 years ago
Any Of You Ever Used A Drawing Salve To Bring A Cyst To The Surface?

Wow ten years?? Is it a cystic pimple? Or an actual cyst?

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago