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14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Good for you! Your looking amazing. I'm sure your going to have continued success! Congratulations Ryan! Thank you sooo much!

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

I'm so happy for you... it definitely cleared you completely up in 6 months. I'm 3 months in my 3rd course, I hope my skin looks as good as yours in 3 months. I also have Tazorac for when I'm done wi...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 161- Week 23- Month 6 Accutane is amazing, and the results you see from it are breathtaking. I went to my Dermatologists about 2 weeks ago, and she said I am done with it, all I need to do now ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 124- Week 18- Month 5 My skin keeps on improving soo much and I am in love with it! Although my scalp is still dry as the sahara, my face over rules that small con. Here are some pictures.

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 108- Week 16- Month 5 I am beyond happy with my results so far! I no longer have to edit my blemishes out of pictures for my profile or anything like that anymore, I am happy with my skin, it is ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 96- Week 14- Month 4 Eh nothing too crazy to update... just more pictures. Now that a lot of my acne is gone, I notice the scarring, it's pretty hurtful to look at... I cannot imagine what peopl...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 81- Week 12- Month 3 I have not posted in about 30 days, sorry about that! But, everything has been going smoothly, my face was pretty amazing for a couple of days, and then I started breaking ou...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 60- Week 9- Month 3 Sorry I did not post last week, but I went to the dermatologist and she kept me at 60 mg because of my side effects, and the fact that I could not afford it. Anyway, I think m...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Hello although im signigicantly older than I just decided to start my journey as well. It seems that you started about 2 weeks before me. And we pretty much following the same course when it comes to ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 45- Week 7 Well, my acne is getting a lot worse, I am getting hard clusters of pimples on the sides of my face, and then white heads around my mouth! and it is just nasty to look at, and hard not...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 36- Week 6 My face has gotten a little bit worse than my last update. Oh well, I am learning now to not let my acne get in the way of trying new things and being outgoing. Like the first week of ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 30 A lot of people were staring at my face last night. Uh, hello, have you never seen a pimple before? I have noticed that I am more emotional now than I was before. Like at tumbling practice w...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 29-Week 5-Month 2 Okay, so, month one was pretty chill, nothing CRAZY, but I have started my IB this last week, and it sucks! I know in the pictures it doesn't look too bad, but the white heads a...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 25 Well, today I went to the Dermatologist, and when she asked me about side effects, I just told her that the normal, but I left out the rectal bleeding... She put me on a plan where I take 2 ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

No offense, but you shouldn't be taking accutane, many people here have suffered with acne well in to their 20's before starting this drug, your acne could just be a phase, you should try to ride it o...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 22-Week 4 So I am breaking out in these really pressurized red bumps, and they are soo painful and I can just feel this pulsing, and when I pop them they are like SHWAAANG all over the mirror. It...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 18-Week 3 Alright, so, I am breaking out like craaazy! I got this HUGE pimple on my chin, and it has a white head next to it, and I regret it so much now, but I tried popping them both, and the b...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Wow! That's awesome! I cannot believe you only have 1 more month! I bet it will fly by in no time! I bet your skin looks nice! Thanks for the luck!

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 15-Week 3! Well here are the pictures, I do have one new pimple today!

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 14-End of Week 2 I am definitely drying out now. Now down to about 2 new white heads a day, and if I pop the gunk out of them, and leave them alone, their already pealing off the next day, which ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 11 Holy crap! I am breaking out like crazy! I have about 5 new big white heads and its just not a pretty sight! Really not cool, because tonight was senior night, and it was a big game, and these...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Thank you for that! It's horrible really! I am going to be really happy when it is gone.

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Day 10 Well, around my nose and on my chin are getting very very very oily! Is this normal? I am not drying out at all atm. Today at school someone asked me if I put something on my face, because it ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

No offense, but you shouldn't be taking accutane, many people here have suffered with acne well in to their 20's before starting this drug, your acne could just be a phase, you should try to ride it o...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
14/m Accutane Log (With Pictures)

Week 2-Day 8 Well, my face is mostly just scars that will go away in a week or two. I do have some pustule things that I am not brave enough to mess with. My lips are HORRIBLE! That bad thing is, whe...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago