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Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

I think I gave it enough time... Unfortunately, it looks like this system that I just started is not the one for me. I wish with all of my heart that the caveman regimen as well as the one I have bee...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 94 (Week 14) WOW this is going to be a very long post. I have so much to talk about. I would first like to say that I am currently doing a "modified" caveman regimen now, since I have gone prac...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

On 6/20/2016 at 3:24 PM, Serena95 said: Hi rachel! Salt water (ie when you swam in the ocean) is apparently really nice for clearing up acne and exfoliating so maybe that's what helped tooo! Bu...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

On 5/14/2016 at 2:32 PM, JLopez said: Hey Rachel_206, This sounds like such good progress! Congratulations on making it this far! If it's any conciliation I remember those pimples, the li...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 60 (week 9) Two months! I cannot believe it. And I have wonderful news: my skin is getting better. I am so afraid to post this, because I am scared that I will jinx myself ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 43 (Week 6) I still am getting pimples, but a lot of them aren't even red. They are all whiteheads. Unfortunately, they do not go away in one day, but almost all of them come to a head within the ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 38 Yes, I am still getting acne, but the numbers and amount of acne on my face is reducing. Woo! Like, the amount that I get each day, as compared to three weeks ago, has been decreasing. Also, m...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 34 Still getting acne, still everywhere. I don't know if it is from stress from finals week or because I always get acne. I started a food log to see if I can find a pattern between what I eat an...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

21 hours ago, dasp said: Way to go Rachel! So you have turned a corner you think? I have done the same thing as you and I never broke out in the beginning but I have adult acne and have been...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 31 I just want to go ahead and brag a little bit and say that I am really proud of myself for never caving in and washing my face for 31 days. The first 4 days I used concealer, but after that I h...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 27 I couldn't take it anymore...the dead skin all over....I couldn't do it. I exfoliated with a washcloth and water. BUT! I didn't exfoliate my whole face, in case I were to mess up the regimen. I...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 24 HALLELUJAH. Finally, some improvement!!! The improvement comes in the form that I have no pimples on my chin, and none forming (crossing my fingers), none on my upper lip (and none forming), an...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 21 It is week 3 and still no improvement. It is so incredibly disheartening, disappointing and frustrating. My skin is so dry that sometimes when I stretch it it hurts. I can see the dead...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

On 4/17/2016 at 8:29 PM, fadedjay said: hey  i tired this and lasted around 7 days as i got massive pimples on my temples and my skin got very very bad in such a short period. Wi...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 16 This is the worst it has been, by far.  1. I keep on breaking out, it hasn't stopped.  2. My scars look even more prominent 3. I am developing a "dead skin mask," which ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 11 My skin is about the same. This weekend was really difficult for me mentally, because my skin has been purging and it hasn't looked this bad in awhile. But it's not even like I am developing pa...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

3 hours ago, Strongbodyforgoodskin said: Goodluck on your journey  But about Accutane for two years thats insanely long time it should have cured your Acne hmm )= are you sure u took ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

@Strongbodyforgoodskin Thank you for your reply and your input! I can see why you say it is flawed--there are many people out there who also do not believe in it. I cannot come to any conclusions abou...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Day 9 Today is Sunday, and this weekend has been rough. Basically benzoyl peroxide has just acted as a band-aid for all these years. When I was on it, I still got acne, but it was a lot less than the...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

@JLopez It's really tough to stick with it because right now the weather is starting to get sunnier and I am at university living in a student house and it really takes a toll on my social life as wel...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Living Like Our Ancestors- The Caveman Regimen

Just a quick background on why the hell I decided to stop using anything on my face: I have been with my boyfriend for two years, and he is really the only person who really knows to the extent to ho...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago