Forum Replies Created

Yasmin / Lymecycline / Spiro Log

Since the first IPL treatment I haven't noticed too much difference... I think it is probably not enough to make a difference though. I am going to wait until I have finished the course of 3 before I ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Yasmin / Lymecycline / Spiro Log

Haven't updated in a few weeks. Had my IPL treatment on the 14th - was fine, the down time was very minimal. Skin felt very smooth afterwards. Had a few tiny red blister type things come up but they a...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Yasmin / Lymecycline / Spiro Log

Again, skin was doing okay at the beginning of the week and then now have had a small spot come up. I went to see a top derm in the city on Tuesday as he had a cancellation. He told me that I haven't ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Yasmin / Lymecycline / Spiro Log

So it seems like every time I am due to write a positive update, I get a set back! My skin had been doing really really well until yesterday when I got a few small breakouts. But compared to the kind ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Yasmin / Lymecycline / Spiro Log

This last week my skin has been pretty good! The breakout from last week cleared up really quickly - in a day or two - and all I have at the moment is a lot of red marks. I cannot say my skin is bette...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Yasmin / Lymecycline / Spiro Log

So a few days ago I thought I was noticing some really positive changes in my skin, and then today I woke up with new breakouts. I feel like this is never ending. The breakouts do seem to be a lot sma...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Yasmin / Lymecycline / Spiro Log

Skin is still bad. Recently upped my Spiro to 100mg a day, so on top of the Yasmin, which apparently has an ingredient equivalent to 25mg of Spiro, that makes it 125mg. I am quite slim so surely that ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Yasmin / Lymecycline / Spiro Log

Feeling really really low today. I am seeing nothing but breakout after breakout. My skin now is so so so much worse than before I started. I'm feeling really hopeless. The duac made my skin very red ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Yasmin / Lymecycline / Spiro Log

So I have had to change the title of this log because as of yesterday I started Spironolactone. Following my last post I had another bad breakout and I was just getting so depressed and down with my s...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Yasmin / Lymecycline / Spiro Log

So after years of reading blogs on this site I decided to take the plunge and create one myself. I have suffered with acne since I was 15 - I am now 20, turning 21 in a few months. I have been on roa...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago