User's Review Comments

Rubbing Alcohol
February 22, 2018
I had officially given up trying cure the acne on my chest when I decided on a whim to try some isopropyl alcohol that was leftover and just lying around on it and my chest hasn’t looked better in many many months. It’s healing super nice and there’s no scarring left behind. It’s amazing. I take birth control for my facial acne so my face is pretty clear but for those patches that break out and just won’t heal I think I might try the alcohol on them too! 9/10 and the best acne medicine I’ve tried (including way too many things prescribed by dermatologists) other than my birth control which balances out my hormones, but since my chest acne wasn’t hormonal the alcohol has been the best thing I’ve ever tried in my life and I’m 21 and have had acne since I was about 14.