User's Review Comments

CeraVe : Moisturizing Lotion
July 19, 2017
I follow a dermatologist on youtube, Dr Dray. This is what she recommends and it has been a life changer. It has ceramides in it to help reinforce your skins natural barrier. Studies have shown that people with acne have low levels of ceramides. It is so light and leaves the skin perfectly moisturized. I have tried so many different skin care products and this just might be the best.
July 18, 2017
I have tried the cetaphil cleanser before and i didn't feel like it was effectively cleaning my skin. i am now using neutrogena's hydro boost gel cleanser and it's amazing. it's super gentle, removes my makeup, and leaves my skin feeling plump. i have hated ALL neutrogena products until i tried this. i also use the cerave moisturizer and it's the BEST.
July 20, 2017
this product is fantastic if you use it properly. you have to be careful with how much and how often you apply it. my skin care routine: -cleanse with neutrogena hydro boost gel cleanser (very gentle, effectively cleans the skin, and leaves it feeling hydrated due to the hyaluronic acid) *have hated every neutrogena product until this line. -go in with cerave daily moisturizer after cleansing. *product is fantastic b/c it has ceramides that promote healthy skin barrier function. *** I cleanse and moisturize twice a day*** Every other night, i moisturize and apply a PEA sized amount of differen to my face and gently rub it in. using every other night minimizes irritation that could exacerbate acne. i have seen results. they are not dramatic, as i am taking this slow but i did notice that it stopped a cystic pimple from forming (which is amazing).
July 20, 2017
i'd say that you're using too many products on your skin. i was recommended differin by a dermatologist but my skin care routine and how i use the differin gel is much different than how you use it. i use a mild cleanser twice a day (neutrogena hydro boost). i have hated all neautrogena products before this one. this cleanser is super gentle, actually cleans your skin/removes makeup and somehow leaves the skin feeling hydrated. after i cleanse, i go in with the cerave daily moisturizer. this is an amazing moisturizer because it has ceramides in it and promotes healthy skin barrier function. i cleanse and moisturize twice a day and use the differin gel every other night over moisturizer. i use a TINY PEA SIZE amount all over my face. according to the dermatologist, that's all you should be using. it's easy to go over-board with acne medication and i fear thats what you're doing. you're most likely stripping your skin of it's natural barrier and leaving it vulnerable to bacteria that cause infection. be kind to your skin. restore it to it's healthy form.
July 20, 2017
when you say you are having breakout on your forehead, i wonder if you are using any hair product that comes in contact with your skin that could cause a buildup in the pores? also, be sure that you are using a shampoo and conditioner that isn't clogging your pores as well.
July 20, 2017
it doesn't have to be that horrible. you can start out just using it every other night after applying a moisturizer. i also don't use this treatment in conjunction with other acne medication like salicylic acid/benzoyl peroxide because it most likely would cause irritation and inflammation. acne is an inflammatory skin condition and all efforts should be made to minimize irritation. i personally use a gentle, hydrating cleanser (neutrogena hydro boost gel cleanser) and the cerave daily moisturizer twice a day and it's the best thing i've ever done for my skin. i hate all neutrogena products besides this line. they really hit the nail on the head with this one. also, the cerave is a really great moisturizer because it has ceramides in it. the ceramides help to rebuild the skin barrier function. people with acne have been found to have damaged skin barriers and that allows for bad bacteria to enter our pores and cause infection. my skin feel hydrated, supple, clean, and calm after i have done this skin care routine. was recommended this routine by a dermatologist and couldn't be happier.
July 20, 2017
try using this product every other night over a moisturizer. i was recommended cerave daily moisturizer by a dermatologist and it works fantastic. it has ceramides in it that help rebuild the skin barrier function. people who suffer with acne have been shown to have weakened skin barrier function, allowing harmful bacteria to enter the pores and cause infection. without a healthy skin barrier, we are doomed for breakouts and inflammation.
July 20, 2017
i have very sensitive skin but use this product with ease. it's about how it's used. i use this product every other day and i don't use any other products like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide because that would cause over-drying and irritation. i use the differin at night after i've moisturized with cerave. i only use a pea sized amount. i mean A TINY PEA. and distribute it all over my face a rub it in *gently*. i haven't experienced any irritation from this. in the past, i have tried antibiotics and they were no good for me. it will cause an imbalance. i use a super gentle cleanser (neutrogena hydro boost) with the cerave moisturizer twice a day. the cerave is great because it helps to rebuild the skin barrier. people with acne have been found to have a weakened skin barrier that's low in ceramides. cerave has ceramides. i was recommended this routine by a dermatologist and it has really helped me. good luck to you in your skin care journey!
July 20, 2017
did you use a pea sized amount? i was recommended by a dermatologist and this product works great for me. i use every other day at night time after i've applied a moisturizer (cerave) all over my face. a pea sized amount gets distributed all over my face. it's quite easy to over-do it with retinA. be careful!