User's Review Comments

Dianette : Oral Contraceptive
November 8, 2018
In the past decade I've done three stints of Dianette, or Co-Cyprindiol as it's now called. The first time, back in 2007, it worked a charm and I was on it for about 5 years. However, when I came off my spots returned, but not badly. In 2015, it cleared my spots again but made my skin dry and flaky. When I came off, my spots returned worse than ever and I started getting thick hair growth on my top lip, arms and legs, which eventually evened out. Just a week ago, I started it again, and now I've broken out in the worst cystic acne I've ever experienced. Seems to me, although it works while you're on it, after each stint your symptoms return with a vengeance. My advice? Never start on it
November 8, 2018
I started taking Co-cyprindiol just over a week ago and my acne has worsened dramatically. Right hand side of my chin has broken out in red, pus-filled cysts that are very painful. Not sure whether to stop or keep going. Any advice?