User's Review Comments

Adapalene / Benzoyl Peroxide (Epiduo®)
December 16, 2018

Hey! My face isn't completely clear, but it's better. My face is soo dry, i'll have to avoid applying epiduo every night, as i did fot the past 2 weeks. Yesterday I went on comedone extraction and now have horrible reddness, i wont be able to go to work tomorrow!!!! God, I hope this will heal quickly!!! Enivejz, i am od 8th week now and hope in 2 weeks my face will be better, it's christmas soon and this is all i want...

How are u doing?

November 9, 2018
Hi there! I'm a 31 year old female. Struggling with acne for 15 years, with lots of ups and downs. Few years of clear skin, few years of horrible acne. Used pretty much everything, I can't even remember all of the creams and tabletes.. 2 years ago a got married, and stopped using bcp, as trying to get pregnant. Skin was clear, me happy. Then, about 4 months ago as we couldn't get pregnant naturaly, we started with the IVF. Allready done 2 cicles, no success. All I got from those synthetic hormones were cluged pores and comedonal acne. Was, and am, soo soo sad that my clear face was ruined. Anyways, I finnaly went to see my dermatologyst, and she suggested I take: Epiduo gel (at night, right before going to sleep), Eucerin Dermopure micellar water and Eucerin Dermopure Adjunctive Soothing Cream. Have been using this trio for exactly 18 days. Finnaly I can see the little improovement!! At firts, sking felt like it was too small for my face, it burnt, was itchy, peeling, got painful break out..and I was depressed, wouldn't go out, crying..was soo down, my self esteem so low, even I have the most wonderful man beside me. Now, 18 day after, i can see a light in the end of a tunnel. My skin condition is yet far from clean, but it's on its good way to that. Closed comedones are still here, but in smaller number, i have 1 cystic acne (from initial break out I think). I hope things would go well from now on.. I'm giving to Epiduo 3/5 cause I'm not acne free, yet, i hope! I'll keep you posted in comments. Fingers crossed! Wish all the best to all of you! P.s. when on Epiduo, your skin becomes very thin, so if you go and pop your zits you'll end up with real wound. Telling you-been there done that! Thank god epiduo fastens the act of healing!