User's Review Comments

Oil Cleansing Method (OCM)
January 28, 2017
@smiles23 - thanks! Around Christmas I started using BP at night (no moisturizer on top) and it started getting better immediately. 4 weeks into it I am only left with marks (maybe some scars?) and dryness from the BP. I also took a round of antibiotics before, but that did nothing. I hope you feel better soon!
December 2, 2016
I read positive things about the OCM and since I always tend to break up a bit during the summer (looking back this is nothing), I decided to try it. After 10 days into it (I used jojoba & castor oil) I noticed that I started to break out. I immediately stopped the OCM. Now, 6 weeks later I have cystic acne all over my chin that keeps getting worse by the day and is slowly expanding to my cheeks and neck. I have never had acne like this before; never more than maybe 2-3 pimples at a time, mostly none at all. I already went to see a derm and she told me that it's not a good idea to put oil on your face when you're acne prone. She prescribed some topicals I have now been using for 2 weeks, but cannot see an improvement. I cannot believe I did this to myself and am afraid my skin will never fully recover. I wish I had never come across it. Don't try it, it's not worth it. I'm desperate and all out of ideas...