User's Review Comments : AHA+ (Glycolic Acid - 10%)
May 22, 2017
This product has definitely helped reduce the amount of clogged pores I have. The BP treatment wasnt helping much with clogged pores since adding this to my reg its been great.I have oily skin and I dont find that this is oily on my skin or dry. Its quite hydrating and I use this in place of a moisturizer at night. Im not newbie to acids so I do use it daily. This is going to be my first step in fighting dark marks until I add in something like hydroquinone 4 or 6%
May 18, 2017
you can always ease into using it, helpful tips, make sure your skin is 100% dry, your rubbing it in lightly, you can always apply a light oil or serum before applying the aha
May 18, 2017
you can always ease into using it, helpful tips, make sure your skin is 100% dry, your rubbing it in lightly, you can always apply a light oil or serum before applying the aha
May 18, 2017
aha can sting, i dont think it burned, the ph isnt low enough to cause a burn. stinging with aha is common the first few uses. i would ease into using it or even apply a light facial serum (if you use one) before using the aha
May 18, 2017
the aha plus would take the place of your moisturizer. I would ease into starting with a few days a week before using it everyday. aha is favorable to dry skin so it shouldnt try you out if so you can add moisturizer ontop
May 18, 2017
i wouldnt do the micro derm every week ontop of doing aha+ everynight you could stress your skin out
May 18, 2017
i think it really depends on your skin type, trying easing it into your routine
May 18, 2017
No, you dont want to dilute your sunscreen with an acid