User's Review Comments

Vitamin D (Vitamin D3)
August 4, 2016
I'm thinking of trying D3 supplementation for a third time. The first time made my skin worse which I thought could be attributed to a sensitivity to lanolin. The second time I took vegan d3 and supplemented with magnesium as I didn't want my calcium levels to soar. This also made my skin worse which may have been from the magnesium because I have read some testimonials of acne sufferers who wrote that magnesium had the opposite of the desired effect for acne. I also once supplemented with magnesium on its own and it broke me out horribly. The interesting thing with vitamin d is that it increases igf1 which is supposed to be horrible for acne. How does that work?
August 3, 2016
You may find using a vegan d3 more helpful. Some people have a bad reaction to lanolin derived d3