Forum Replies Created

Ladies, Completely Resolved My Hormonal Acne - Vitamin Deficiency

With the chasteberry/agnus castus - as a side note, most naturopaths (myself included) do not recommend this herb if your menstrual cycle is already regular - i.e. your period is regular like clockwor...

In forum Adult acne

12 years ago
Weight Lifting & Acne

Do any of you use protein shakes as post-workout meal? Or eat a high-protein diet (one where the meat isn't organic and grass-fed)?

In forum Adult acne

12 years ago
Can Being Acidic Cause Acne?

Diet can cause many imbalances to the hormonal axis in the brain - coupled with stress and you have recipe for your body going out of whack! An acidic diet is more likely to affect your skin as, like ...

In forum Adult acne

12 years ago
Cause Excess Facial Hair Be Causing My Acne

I would get your hormone levels tested (and check with a naturopath for subclinical diagnosis as most Doctors are way off with their ranges) as you may have polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS is very c...

In forum Adult acne

12 years ago