User's Review Comments

Azithromycin (Zithromax) : Oral Antibiotic
August 8, 2015
I used to have a few number of pauples and at times an occasional pustules when I decided to go for this drug.But what it did was more harm than good.I saw no improvements at all.My skin literally went haywire.I started getting big pustules all over my cheeks and forehead and quite a few number of cysts as well.And those bastard cysts didn't forget to scar my face. So what I ask you people is to not go for this one.Antibiotics can also harm your skin as they kill good bacteria as well.If you still choose antibiotics,pick something from the tetracycline family. Azithromycin was never meant to treat acne.
August 8, 2015
I was the same for me.I wish I never went for this one.
February 22, 2016
Hi It's been 7 months since I started doxycycline and have recently stopped it and got prescribed for accutane since acne came back.Got accutane because i'm really scar prone. My final conclusion is antibiotics are a short term solution and can buy you time to outgrow acne.Some works better than the others.But they are never meant to cure acne.
September 18, 2015
it's a 10 week update and my acne seemed to have reach a plateau.When I started it I didn't breakout for three weeks together.But from the 7th week, I started to get at least 3 pimples every week. My doctor still kept me on it(another 2 months maybe) and asked me to have belief and hope.
August 8, 2015
I am taking 50 mg a day for more than three weeks now and what I noticed is it reduced the frequency of having breakouts.In these 3 weeks I only had three pustules whereas I used to get atleast two every week.Dunno if it's gonna clear me,but still hoping for the best. P.S-Never go for azithromycin.It may do more harm than good.