Forum Replies Created

Treating Hormonal Acne Naturally

Cut out as much dairy as you can, avoid non-organic meat (full of hormones that will worsen your probs) and no refined sugars, no white bread/white rice/white pasta.   ACV is great, I take a sho...

In forum Adult acne

15 years ago
Meanest thing that someone has said about your acne

A middle-aged man at work said to me, "what HAVE you done to your face!? You used to be a pretty girl." Other times he'd say in front of people things like "oh you must've been stuffing your face with...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

15 years ago
Topical ibuprofen gel is blooming good for acne!

Actually I see you're using red/blue light, tea tree oil and ibuprofen should be similar, but quicker and less hassle. Hope so - finding the time to patiently sit in front of a lightbox is hard some...

In forum Other acne treatments

15 years ago
Topical ibuprofen gel is blooming good for acne!

Thanks for a v. informative topic temp123   I'm striving for prevention through diet but the odd bugger still appears overnight so I'm going to give ibuprofen gel a shot as a 'dab on existing s...

In forum Other acne treatments

15 years ago