User's Review Comments

Tetralysal : Lymecycline Oral Antibiotic
August 22, 2023
I've been on this for nearly 5 months now, and it's definitely been working!! I'm just really scared the acne will come back when I go off it (my derm said i probably will have to.) Hopefully it stays away, I will update in a few months? 🙂
August 22, 2023
Hey, I'm quite close to going off lymecycline, and so far it has fully cleared up my skin- I'm just really scared to go off it. Has your skin stayed clear without taking it? I'm sorry I know this was posted like 4 years ago 😭
August 22, 2023
Hey, I'm quite close to going off lymecycline, and so far it has fully cleared up my skin- I'm just really scared to go off it :c Did your acne come back?? I'm sorry I know this was posted like 8 years ago 😭