Forum Replies Created

Is it ok for me to restart using Diane-35 after stopping for 6 months?

I used Diane-35 for 6 months (September 2018 - February 2019), and cleared up my acne. After stopping, it came back. Is it okay to restart using Diane-35 now, after a 5-month break? Note: I ha...

In forum General acne discussion

5 years ago
Should I go back on Diane-35 or wait it out?

Hi Foodforthought, I was just wondering if it's still considered normal to break out if I stopped taking the pill in February 2019. And I'm only experiencing bad breakouts now. I am not sure if I s...

In forum Hormonal acne

5 years ago
Make up remover

I use Garnier's Blue Micellar Water! I'm acne-prone and oily! It's very gentle on the skin.

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

5 years ago
Benzoyl Peroxide No Longer Effective

Should I stop using Benzoyl Peroxide if it's not effective anymore? Or is it okay to switch to another brand of Benzoyl Peroxide instead?

In forum Adult acne

5 years ago
Should I go back on Diane-35 or wait it out?

I've only used Diane-35 for 6 months and I completely stopped. Do you think it would be okay to restart taking Diane-35 if I take a few months break in between? So it's still s...

In forum Hormonal acne

5 years ago
Should I go back on Diane-35 or wait it out?

No, not really. None of the symptoms. It's just that the severity of my acne from before taking Diane-35 is coming back.  After it already cleared. Not sure if I should wait it out or go b...

In forum Hormonal acne

5 years ago
Should I go back on Diane-35 or wait it out?

Hi! No, I haven't taken any antibiotics. I just put Benzoyl Peroxide Gel from my Dermatologist every night and use Acne Org Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide, as well) every morning--Both do not work anymor...

In forum Hormonal acne

5 years ago
Should I go back on Diane-35 or wait it out?

My OB prescribed me Diane-35 last September 2018 up until February 2019 (6 months), and it really cleared my acne out after the first 4 months. My hormonal acne on my cheeks and forehead cleared so I ...

In forum Hormonal acne

5 years ago