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Pores on face filled with sebum (hard, white, stringy). Every pore I squeeze stuff comes out...bumpy surface all over face etc

and then using a 2-3 inch piece of plastic from a card protector that I sanded smooth using 150 then 600 grit sandpaper I scrape gently at a 45 degree angle downwards on the area that I was rubbing. ...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
Pores on face filled with sebum (hard, white, stringy). Every pore I squeeze stuff comes out...bumpy surface all over face etc

Heya, The gunk in your pores is sebum and is a mixture of waxy esters and dead skin cells. There isn't any way to wash away wax without destroying your skin. Soap/cleansers will emulsify some of the o...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
What is up with my chin? (pic)

After digging though this thread, I felt compelled to point out that there are two distinct types of bumps being discussed.   1. Many very tiny bumps occurring on the front of the chin and aroun...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago