User's Review Comments

Aspirin Mask
December 2, 2015
Well they removed my link, so I would search Geri-Care bottled aspirin on Amazon. Hope that helps!
December 2, 2015
I would recommend uncoated Aspirin. It's easier to break up and mix. Most brands of uncoated Aspirin don't have any other ingredients, so you should be fine. Here's an example from Amazon: [link removed]
Argan Oil : Argan Oil
December 2, 2015
I'm soooo glad this stuff exists. Back when my acne was pretty bad and I was still ironing out the kinks in my lifestyle habits to clear up my skin, this stuff was awesome. I've probably tried 10 other oils for my face, and this is the ONLY one that didn't clog my pores, back when I had active acne (hormonal, cystic, painful, bleh) and REALLY acne-prone skin. It was a wonderful feeling to finally find a moisturizer I could "set and forget" -and focus my efforts on other stuff in my life causing acne. I would give Argan oil 10 stars if I could. Love it!!
December 1, 2015
Side note: I see a few reviewers had side effects, so just to clear up confusion I will also say the brand I use consistently is Acure Organics, usually found at Whole Foods/Amazon/etc. Not sure if different brands give different results ...also, it'a always a good idea to get 100% Argan oil. I wouldn't mess around with additives. Also also, make sure to apply it to a clean, freshly washed face. It works well for oil cleansing if you're into that too. But no need to overdo it, as with anything in life. 🙂
Thorne Research : Berberine
December 6, 2015
I'm surprised there aren't any reviews for Berberine yet on this website. Probably because it's mainly used as a supplement for blood sugar regulation. But for me, Berberine was one of the best supplements for acne control I've tried. Just to be clear, I don't believe in "quick fixes" for acne or completely/permanently relying on supplements because that never takes care of it completely, and there are side effects to be aware of. Insulin is a really important hormone to be aware of with acne. Along with a low-glycemic diet, incorporating berberine supplements may help to improve insulin sensitivity in acne patients. Personally, I have only needed to take berberine for short periods (less than one month) to see benefits. Unfortunately, I experienced a considerable amount of muscle soreness which cleared up after stopping supplementation. So I caution you when starting any supplement: take it slow, opt for the minimum dosage, and monitor your body for any side effects. More information about how it works and dosage for berberine can be found at [link removed]
December 5, 2015

Well, probably because of site rules I can't link from a post because they assume I'm an affiliate. But for anyone interested in learning about Berberine (or any supplement really), [removed] is a great resource