Forum Replies Created


So Im currently on month 5, taking 80mg a day. Im pretty disappointed so far. I mean I'm not getting the huge cysts anymore but overall I feel like I broke out way more than before Accutane. Im also p...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
New To Accutane! Here's My Thread (With Pics)

I'm starting my fourth month on Myorisan and its been working really well. I started on 40mg and have been taking 80mg with a couple days just taking 40mg when the side effects get too bad. I didn't h...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Jess's Journey - 37 F

I noticed you said you got a coupon to for $10, any idea how to get that coupon? Ive tried a couple of the coupons I found online and haven't been able to use them anywhere. Cheapest place I've found ...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
First Time Accutane Use - 31F

Ive been putting a hydrocortisone cream on the rash and it goes away in a couple days, just a generic $4 cream.. That rash was gross lol. Also, I bought a humidifier from the advice of someone on here...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
anyone in their 30s on accutane?

I'm 31 and Ive been battling cystic acne for years. I'm on day 29 of 80mg (first two weeks I took 40mg), Ill be on it for 5 months. So far it hasn't been terrible, I just the dryness, bloody, sore nos...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago


In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
First Time Accutane Use - 31F

As for doubling dosages, I just recently moved from 40 to 80mg. I've taken 80 for three or four days now and ever since, I've definitely entered the initial breakout stage. I had no negative reactions...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago

I actually do use cetaphil, I always used that, even before my acne so I know its safe. I have to find some good chapsticks, my lips are annoying right now. They feel like they are super sunburnt afte...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago
First Time Accutane Use - 31F

I'm 31 also and I'm on day 8 and scared as hell lol. So far I've just had really dry eyes, nose and the dry skin is starting. My Dr told me to take 40mg for a week or 'until the headaches went away" s...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago

Thank you for your posts. Personally I'd never leave the house without concealer and foundation. I don't even let my family see me without makeup, I'm borderline crazy about it. I don't think its caus...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago

I promised myself I'd keep this log as I know how helpful these can be, its the reason I was brave enough to try Accutane to begin with. Ive been struggling with cystic acne for years, though not as a...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

10 years ago