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Sudden allergic reaction to Acne.Org treatment after almost 8 months of using it

No it's the same one, as I mentioned I only used very small amounts of the BP and it seemed to get the job done but something suddenly changed

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Sudden allergic reaction to Acne.Org treatment after almost 8 months of using it

Hey,So I started using the treatment since 26th December, first two months were BRUTAL all the extreme dryness and peeling were the worst but I noticed I was finally free from active breakouts so inst...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
My oily skin is now flakey after using

Hello, this is my first time ever writting here, so it might be a bit long (sorry in advance) So first off I will start by giving you an idea why I got on acne.Org regimen, I always had mild acne g...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago