Forum Replies Created

27/yo Male Started Accutane Today

It will definitely get better, i'm on day 5 myself and haven't seen an initial break out yet but my theory is that when your skin first dries out all the acne that was already forming comes out faster...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

12 years ago
Masturbation-Acne Experiement 20102015

might as well join in, right now i have about 5-10 small pimples on my forehead 1 in my temple bout 5 on each cheek and 1 cyst on jawline and neck, its about day 3-4 i forget il say 3.

In forum Personal logs

13 years ago
Masturbation-Acne Experiement 20102015

It doesn't work.

In forum Personal logs

14 years ago