User's Review Comments

Dianette : Oral Contraceptive
May 23, 2018
I absolutely LOVED being on Dianette a few years ago, it hugely helped my skin clear up. I still had some active acne, but not to the extent I had previously. I did stay on it for 4 years, which is not recommended in the UK because of it's blood clotting issues, however I did not experience any side effects. I have since asked to go back on it, however my GP wants my blood pressure checked again and again to make sure it's low enough to go on Dianette.
May 23, 2018
Wow really?! I didn't know you could stay on it for 2 years. Are you in USA or UK? In the UK it's not recommended for more than 2 years I believe. I went on it for 4 years and had no side effects though.