User's Review Comments

Vinegar (as a topical)
June 5, 2016
Using coconut oil (or any oil) is not for everyone and could make you break out even more. Are you only using AVC? Maybe you need a good spot treatment as well. I personally have noticed that changing my diet has helped my acne tremendously. I am dairy free, I drink mostly water, no sugary drinks, and I try to reduce my oil intake. I would also suggest meeting with someone who knows skin. I have gotten acne facials that have also significantly reduced my acne! It can be pricy (which is why Im using otherwise I would still be going to my facialist.) but worth it! Hope this helps! : Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)
September 11, 2016
I got 2 face peels and afterwards they faded away naturally with a lot of water intake and applying sunscreen to that area.
June 1, 2016
UPDATE: My skin is clear! I have a few extremely tiny bumps around my hair line but besides that everything is good. Im still using the same products except the sunscreen. I don't follow the exact regimen, I do about 2-3 thin layers of BP or ill keep reapplying as needed, not a finger length, and I use one small pump of the cleanser. I occasionally use a toner, and Ive been drinking Red bush tea every night. May 31, 2016 Skin type: Combo / Acne Prone Type of acne: Mild/Moderate I decided to use this as an alternative to the expensive facial treatments I was getting, and after about a month on this product my skin is almost 100% clear. I only bought the cleanser and BP because their moisturizer contains alcohol and oil which I know does not work on MY skin. The added alcohol in moisturizers from MY experience burns my skin while leaving my face dry, it also creates dark spots around the corners of my mouth. The key is finding things that work for YOU! I'm currently using Neutrogena oil free moisturizer which is free of alcohol and more, I also use the Neutrogena oil free sunscreen. So far this combination in addition to being dairy free has been working wonders. I also switched my foundation to CoverFX which is for sensitive, acne prone skin and that has been amazing also, I highly recommend this product.
May 31, 2016
Edit: It could also be because of the moisturizer containing oil, or if you use oil to moisturize. From experience when I was using coconut oil as a moisturizer my face turned dark and it looked dirty as you mentioned. As soon as I stopped using it and exfoliated my face went back to normal, so it could be lack of sunscreen or oil buildup.
May 31, 2016
Do you guys use sunscreen? I've been using the cleanser & BP only for a month, I did notice that my cheeks but only where I applied the BP was a little darker than the rest of my face. I think it was because I forgot to use sunscreen that day and after applying my moisturizer a few times it went away. Use Sunscreen guys!
No milk/No Dairy : Dairy Free Diet
September 11, 2016
@essiemarie Your skin is prob purging and will hopefully get clearer soon. That didn't happen to me but we have different bodies/skin, I also didn't give up gluten so I'm not sure. When I first eliminated dairy my skin become super sensitive to it, I cant have dairy AT ALL or I'll break out. Don't be worried girl, drink A LOT of water, listen to your body and you'll be fine!
July 31, 2016
It took me about 4-5 months to get my skin to where it is now, pretty much clear. I have a few tiny bumps but nothing major. It depends on your skin type, find out what kind of things make you break out and reduce your intake or eliminate it. Things like sugar I wouldn't eliminate just reduce. Hope you're seeing better results now!
June 12, 2016
I stopped eating dairy 2 months ago and it has dramatically reduced my acne and now on the extremely rare occasion when I do eat something containing dairy I get huge & painful cysts. I've also reduced my oil and sugar intake and that alongside of being dairy free has made all the difference. I only have about 5 active breakouts the rest is just mild scaring that will go away on its own and with a lot of water intake. Skin Type: Acne Prone / Combination Skin Skin Routine: This is my current skin routine that has been really working for me, eventually I'm going to transition into more natural products. - Cleanser & Spot treatment - THAYERS alcohol- free Aloe Vera Toner - Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture - Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture with SPF - For make up I use Cover Fx which is good for acne prone skin Suggestions: - Drink A LOT of water or tea (green tea and I've heard that Rooibos tea is also good for acne but Ive never tired that) - Substitute cows milk with almond milk or soy (I like almond milk) - If you really want to eat cheese you can buy Vegan cheese (I don't) - When eating outside ask if your meal contains dairy and try to eat fresh foods that don't require a lot (salad, sandwiches, beans etc) or eat at vegan / vegetarian spot.