Forum Replies Created

All About Saw Palmetto

Hey everyone, I forgot about this thread. Here is what I found out about Saw Palmetto - any drug or herb that affects one set of hormones will have impact on the others and it can increase estrogen: ...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
All About Saw Palmetto

Here is the difference between spiro and saw palmetto: Spiro mutes the androgen receptor and DIRECTLY increases estrogen. Spiro is about a million times stronger than saw palmetto. I don't actually kn...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
Negative Accutane Experiences

Before considering accutane, I'd read other people's negative experiences and always assumed it was due to their high dosages. Well, I have made two very brief attempts at a low dose accutane course...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Poor Circulation....?

Yes, Yes it can cause poor circulation. Studies are starting to roll out also that it can effect thyroid function, which Hypothyroid can cause poor circulation & feeling of cold even in warm weath...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
All About Saw Palmetto

Hey everyone, I forgot about this thread. Here is what I found out about Saw Palmetto - any drug or herb that affects one set of hormones will have impact on the others and it can increase estrogen: ...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
The Low Progesterone - High Androgen Connection To Acne

Hey Green Gables (are you an Anne of Green Gables fan? ME TOO!), thanks for responding. Since I posted, I've learned A LOT about saw palmetto. I'm seeing an herbalist and she confirmed that saw pal...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
All About Saw Palmetto

I just want to add my experience to this. I think Saw Palmetto works as an androgen blocker, but it also throws your estrogen/progesterone out of whack. I'm lamenting over this on my blog if you ...

In forum Hormonal acne

12 years ago
I Think I Figured Out Why Spiro Makes Some People Break Out

I just found an old post by a member who did get hormone testing before and during Spiro. Her testosterone actually went up! So she switched to Flutamide (which is a pure antagonist) and was instantly...

In forum Hormonal acne

12 years ago
I Think I Figured Out Why Spiro Makes Some People Break Out

When I was first learning about spiro, I saw this gallery: It scared the crap out of me and I don't know that I could do what this girl did, even though her end results are amazing. So maybe it h...

In forum Hormonal acne

12 years ago
I Think I Figured Out Why Spiro Makes Some People Break Out

Very interesting! I am considering spiro but am afraid of the dreaded IB. Are you going to continue with the spiro? I was on saw palmetto and saw an immediate decrease in oil and reduction in ac...

In forum Hormonal acne

12 years ago
The Low Progesterone - High Androgen Connection To Acne

Green Gables, I hope you are still logging onto You've created a wealth of information that I will start reading through. In the meantime, I have some questions about saw palmetto and sp...

In forum Hormonal acne

12 years ago