User's Review Comments

Aztec Secret : Indian Healing Clay
November 25, 2016
Sorry guys I've only just seen your comments, I wash with the warmest water I can stand at first, this gets the mask off easier and also keeps your pores open so you can extract the gunk out what the mask has brought to the surface. Then once I've washed it off I go to the mirror and use a clean comedone extractor to get all the stuff out of my pores, then once that's done I rinse my face with cold water (this will close the clean pores up) and moisturise, then I'm all done! It works a treat
August 6, 2016
Guys let me start by saying i never ever write reviews, so this product has amazed me enough that i just had to write one. I only ordered this product 3 days ago and it arrived yesterday and ive used it ONCE yes once and the results are phenominal already. Ill give you a little background on my skin, for 4 years ive had acne on and off but mostly ive had closed comedones and i never knew what they were until recently, ive tried squeezing proding and scraping the contents out of these bumps but alls it does is inflame it and make it bleed which turns into a scab and looks 100x worse. Theres literally hundreds of these horrible things all over my forehead, temples cheeks and chin and have never even budged in the slightest in literally years! I used this product today guys and it brought all of the contents closer to the surface and after i washed it off i squeezed about half of them out already after one use, its like a miracle guys these bumps have not budged in years yet after one use of this amazing product half of them are gone! It brings all the nasty gunk out of your pores to the surface so they can be extracted. I mixed the clay in equal parts with Braggs Apple Cider Vinger in a plastic bowl with a plastic spoon because it reacts to metal and the clay loses its good quality compound, it feels great on your skin and pulsates you can feel it purging the skin, expect the face to get warmer too but this is normal, also your face is red for an hour or so later. But after it if you want to get rid of closed comedones or blackheads, take a blackhead extractor tool and they pop stright out! Then clean the face again and apply a toner and moisturizer, i found an another amazing product which has also worked wonders in the matter of days and its called silver serum, its cheap and a little of the product goes a very long way. It gets rid of bad bacteria whilst putting good bacteria that has been stripped from the skin because of the mask back into the skin which stops you oveproducing oil. Sorry for the long review guys but seriously get this product you will NOT be disappointed!!!