User's Review Comments

Rodan + Fields : Unblemish
July 23, 2018
This review actually pisses me off because its flat out lies. Just because something didn't work for you, doesn't mean its a scam. I've been using RF for a year now and my skin has never looked so amazing. I've also had the best experience ever with my friend who sells it to me. She's there to answer any questiosn I have at any time. And their customer services could not be any better. There was one product I had a problem with and I sent it back for a full 100% refund. How is it a scam if they give you all of your money back when it doesn't work? I can't think of one big pharma company that would do that. Also.. what are these "outrageous prices month after month" ??? My regimen lasts me 3 months and if I'm not ready for more product I just push back my order. Sounds like you have no idea what you're doing. I also used lash boost and it irritated my eyes. I called the nurse line and they told me I was using too much. They were right, I put less on and the redness on my eyes went right downa dn my lashes are long and beautiful. Don't bash a company just because it wasn't right for you or because you don't know how to push back your order.