Forum Replies Created

Recommended Supplements?

So, in regards to treatment.. Does it become part of a full- time regimen or do you treat on and off? If the latter, how do you know at what intervals?

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Recommended Supplements?

thanks for the info, Ill have a read up on the subject. Lets say hypothetically, the flare up is demodex and not an adverse reaction to TTO/Omega3.. If you say that everybody has some of these mites,...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Recommended Supplements?

Thanks for the info. I have started to break out but I had put it down to the TTO, I hadnt considered it could be the Omega 3. Hmm. I've heard some people swear by borage oil but Im not quite sure of ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Recommended Supplements?

Thanks. I thought Vitamin D as I always clear up when I go abroad, but I hadnt really seen it recommended much. I've also heard Vit A alot because Accutane is basically a huge dose of Vit A? Maybe I'l...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Recommended Supplements?

I'm a 25 year old guy and I have had acne since 12/13. Over the years, the placement and severity have changed. I currently have mild to moderate cystic acne, which mainly affects my cheeks. I also go...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Starting The Regimen- Advice On Products

Great, thanks a lot I will order some and see how it goes

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Starting The Regimen- Advice On Products

Thanks for the advice, I used the cleanser today and could instantly tell that it wouldn't be usable on a daily basis. So I should type bp into Amazon or what? I've used duac in the past w...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Starting The Regimen- Advice On Products

Hi, I've suffered from acne for the last 10 or so years and tried various treatments with varying degrees of success. I'm currently taking doxycycline tablets which seem to keep breakouts at bay but ...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago