Forum Replies Created

Battling acne for 9 years...

Hello I almost started to cry reading your story, it is so similar to mine (and I really felt like I was reading about my experience when I read about all the supplements you have tried). I feel so...

In forum Adult acne

5 years ago
Battling acne for 9 years...

On 2/16/2019 at 11:38 PM, jPablo said: Did Accutane not decrease the amount of acne that returned each time? For me no, it came back even worse (though I know it is very uncommon)

In forum Adult acne

5 years ago
Accutane and IBS

Before accutane my digestion wasn't the strongest one but after accutane my ibs got so severe that i was even hospitalized. I am certain that this happened because of accutane.

In forum Prescription acne medications

5 years ago