Forum Replies Created

Going Off Birth Control

Yes I have been on birth control for like 10 years! I noticed the breakouts after I stopped. I have been on spironolactone for a few years, and I did notice a difference. I run into other women who...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Off Birth Control, Struggling

I have been off BC for 7 weeks bc my husband and I want to try to get pregnant. I don't know if I will be able to keep trying bc my skin is breaking out (chin and mouth) and the texture of it has alm...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Going Off Birth Control

I've been off birth control for a month and a few weeks now, and my skin (esp around my chin and mouth) has been breaking out steadily, in large zits and small little ones that you can see in certain ...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago