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Scar Success!

Question for DC Girl: 1. what do you use to sterilize the derma stamp? Example... if I use it today, then use it again a month from now, obviously I want to sterilize it for the next use since it h...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago

Hi, there was one that was left out - "punch elevation". This is different from punch excision. For excision, the skin is taken out then sown up. For elevation, a circular device is put on the skin...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
dermal filler list

geez thats a lot of fillers... however you missed one every important one that might be used a lot in the future...isolagen. can people share their experiences with artecoll, isologan...or any othe...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago
dermal filler list

DERMAL FILLERS: adato sil-ol 5000, amazingel, aquamid, argiform (argyform), artecoll (artefill), arteplast, bio-alcamid, bioformacryl, bioplastique, biopolimero, biopolymere, dermadeep, dermagen, der...

In forum Scar treatments

20 years ago