Forum Replies Created

Super Red Scars/ With acne *PICS*

19 hours ago, sickofacnee said: im experiencing the same type of scars atm and whats working for me is try using as less products as you can on your face. I only wash my face once a day at nigh...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

6 years ago
Super Red Scars/ With acne *PICS*

This is the worst my acne has ever been in my life. If you go to my profile, you will see a year ago I posted a picture and it was NOTHING compared to this. I have super bright red acne now with lots ...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

6 years ago
How I cured my acne!!!!

But do you wear the calamine lotion EVERY night? Isn't that kind of annoying. I did that too but I wanted to see if my face is okay without it and it's not... I don't want to wear it to bed for the re...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago