User's Review Comments

Cetaphil : Gentle Skin Cleanser
April 14, 2017
Also do not use bio oil. This is the method in case You can't message me: first use the rubbing method that I explained in my posts for as long as you have acne. Use it once a night or twice if you sweat in the morning. This method you rub until you see a creamy cloudy lather and dead skin. See what I said down below. Once acne is gone, reduce the amount of times you cleanse to once every two days at night. Now InStead of rubbing until you see dead skin, just rub for ten seconds. Again, no water. In no TIME whatsoever did I mention add makeup or lotion or anything!!! Just this Cleanser. Do this for two months or whatever. A month even. It doesn't matter. Finally....use the Cleanser once a night or every other night and add Vanicream CREAM. Not lotion. Use it to keep acne away. This lotion is proven to get rid of acne but it's drying in my opinion. If you find it Moisturizing..there's your routine!!!! Be free of acne. I changed to Cetaphil cream but it's not for everyone!!! When it comes to lotion or creams it depends on your skin. I never say one size fits all. So test it out. That's why I say up above don't use makeup etc bc that's adding extra stuff which can cause acne. And I don't know you personally and your skin. If you follow this routine to the exact your skin will clear up slowly. Good luck!
April 14, 2017
Apply the cleanser once a night, before or after a shower and never in the shower. Don't let water touch your face. Do it once a night. If you wash too much you will get acne. People who wash their face too much over produce oil and get acne. In fact, I have seen results from washing my face every two days at night only. What I did was I started out using Cetaphil once daily at night for a few months to clear up acne. The next step was I reduced the amount of times I used the Cleanser. Every two days. At night only. I came to my senses bc I was like why is my forehead so clear and my face has acne????? I realized I only washed my forehead every few days. I was also like why is my chin so clear and upper lip. I was like ...wait...I hardly wash these areas! My point is less is MORE people. Now after six months of using Cetaphil at night every two days, I now use it every other night. I use it for ten seconds on my face without rubbing. I then apply the Cetaphil cream. I started off with Vanicream after six months. Then I switched bc Vanicream has silica in it (simethone) which gets rid of acne!!!!!!!! I swear this cream gets rid of acne. Put it on a pimple and it's gone. But I stopped using it bc its drying. Silica is a mineral that absorbs oil. So recap: use Cetaphil once at night or twice if you sweat. Use the rubbing method I explained for until acne is gone. Don't rub too hard. Next, reduce the amount of times you use it to every two days so your acid mantle repairs. Do it for two months. Then...use it for ten seconds at night adding Vanicream. Then switch the moisturizer if you want. I like the Cetaphil cream. It gave me acne at first but that's bc I had a lot of dead skin build up. If anyone wants to know the full routine in detail message me.
March 12, 2017
It must say Cetaphil gentle GENTLE Cleanser. Not the other one love. This one has no fragrance aka smell. Apply to dry skin that is not damp or wet. Work that cleanser in using your fingertips and go up and down. Work it till you see a white creamy look. Keep working it and then quickly swipe it off with your other hand and finger...or a textured wash cloth. Do nottttttttttt use a tissue!!! Omg I did that and I still got acne. You want to remove that dead skin build up. Acne is caused by dead skin not OIL!!!!!!! Anyone who has oily and dry skin has acne. Skin shouldn't feel tight. The reason why you think acne is caused by oil is bc you strip your acid mantle which then produces way too much oil. Then that oil gets trapped in your dead skin and hair follicle. Also when you use other products they get trapped in dead skin...and hi acne. Just use this Cleanser alone with no nothing!!! Do it for a month. You may get worst before better. I did. Why? Bc the cleanser was rubbing acne spots and touching other parts of my face. It spread. But slowly my skin became clear. Be patient..this method is the deal. I never let water touch my face. And if I do by accident...I let it dry and use my cleanser hours later. I never use water with my cleanser. I also dry shave with this. This stuff got rid of my eczema too. So like I said rub it with your finger tips and work it. Don't go too hard though. If your rub too hard, it will dry out your skin and well then your skin will overproduce oil to make up for the loss oil and dryness. Use this once a night and if you sweat while sleeping...then morning too..sweat is irritating and has salt..which can dry skin out. I know this sounds gross but this cleans your skin!!!! It already has purified water in it. Btw..the point of using your finger tips or textured TEXTURED cloth is it acts as an exfoliater. We have acne bc our skin doesn't shed properly. Our dead skin traps oil. If you're just rubbing slowly...this won't work. Just be gentle but rub enough to get rid of that dead skin. And stop wishing your face so much. That's why you get acne. Your skin becomes dry and then it produces more oil. I bet if you use this once a night..that oil will go down. It takes time to see that. About a month. Slowly my dead skin and oil went down. No my skin looks clear. I don't even need makeup. Just use this aloneeee. Also for anyone who uses other products with this..and isn't seeing results...I cnt help you. Why? Bc this works alone. Your products could be causing breakouts. If you're someon who wants makeup or this: use this Cleanser alone with nothing else for a month or two and then introduce other things. I say this bc you need to use this alone so you know for sure that this works. People say this doesn't work when they are using other things. Use this alone. For a month at least. hope this helps guys
February 8, 2017
A creamy, cloudy white lather. Lol.
February 8, 2017
One more thing I forgot to mention, when you rub this on your cheek, form a CREAMYYYYYY consistency!!!!!! Make a creamy lather. I'll say it again. Make a creamy lather. In that lather'll see dead skin. Quickly swipe it off your cheek with the other hand. Put that excess on a clean cloth. Then do your next cheek. You have to keep rubbing gently until you see a creamy lather. Then remove it immediately before moving onto the next cheek. Your motion should be up and down, using your hands. Making a creamy lather!!! LOL. Do your cheek first, then swipe. Next cheek...swipe. Forehead ..swipe. Nose...swipe. Chin...swipe. Do you see how each one was done separately???? You have to do each part separately and you have to swipe it off immediately after doing that part. Why?????? Bc if you move onto the next cheek without swiping the Cleanser off the other cheek will absorb and be harder to remove...and then you have to rub harder!!!!! You need to be gentle. Rubbing dries the skin out which creates dehydrated skin. Acne thrives in dehydrated skin..where the acid mantle is off balance and lacking in moisture. Dehydrated skin produces extra sebum which causes acne. People...sebum or aka oil is GREAT but too much causes acne!!!! We need our acidic oil to prevent acne but when it's in overdrive...say hi to acne. Yuck. Our friends with clear skin do not have dry and oily skin. We..... with acne have dry and oily skin. That's not dry skin!!! It's called dehydrated skin. Do this method and I promise you will have clear skin within weeks. ❤️❤️ Now for those that think they can be gentle with a dry that!! You can swipe it off with a washcloth. Results are faster however I don't like washcloths bc they can irritate my skin.
January 30, 2017
Use this without water and get ready for clear skin. It will take some time to see results but trust and believe you will never see acne again. If you have questions post to my wall. I know a lot about acne and skin care. I have tried everything and I research a lot. I can help you clear your skin. Also when you try this, for two weeks or so don't use makeup or moisturizer. Or water. People break out when using this with makeup or sometimes due to a moisturizer not agreeing with their skin, then they blame this. Just use this alone so you know what's going on. Trust me this is the deal right here. You won't ever look back. What you do: do one cheek by rubbing a medium amount on your cheek. Rub for about 30 seconds up and down or circular motions. I like going up and down because it gets rid of dead skin. Dead skin cells cause acne, OIL does not!!!! Look it up. Oil is actually good for your skin bc it's acidic and kills acne. You do not want to rub your skin dry and get rid of your acidic oil. Okay so then do your other cheek the same way. Then lastly do your forehead. Do not use a Wash cloth. Wash cloths are abrasive and harsh. Yes they get rid of dead skin better but they dry you out. They rid your natural oils and protective barrier. You need your skin to be hydrated in order to battle acne. Dry skin does not properly exfoliate itself. So basically do that method each night. Do it once a day. Unless you sweat at night. Then do it in the morning. Just remember to be gentle when rubbing and avoid water at all costs. Water dries the skin. Avoid it in the shower too. Put your head away from the water. You may think that's dirty but read the back of the bottle, it says no no no no water. If you're like .."well water cleans my skin I have to use it"...LET me tell you that this is cleaning your skin. It already has water which is purified, which is better than mineralized tap water that dries your skin.. Also the ph of this is balanced so when you add water you throw it off. Your skin needs to be at the proper ph to function correctly. Just use this and you will never look back again. Once your done using this, post To my wall and I'll let you know which moisturizer to use. And makeup.
January 30, 2017
This is what you should do. I'm a user of the Cleanser for 9 years now but have been using it wrong. Use it without water. Do one cheek without water using your hand and use the other hand to wipe excess off. Do the other cheek the same way. Then do the forehead. If you read the back of the bottle you can use it without water and you should. Research shows that water dries your skin out. After you clean with Cetaphil apply Vanicream (the cream of lotion). Apply a lot. You will break out the first five days or so but after that your skin will be smooth and beautiful. Do this routine at night and once a night. The morning do absolutely nothing. Get rid of the BP. That strips your delicate skin. Your skin needs moisture in order to naturally exfoliate itself. The BP is only temporarily exfoliating your dead skin cells when the underlying cause of your acne is stripped skin. I have tried everything from Retin A to every drug store brand. The only two routines that work is this one and the caveman regimen. Any questions just ask.