User's Review Comments

Oxy : Maximum Action Spot Treatment
May 7, 2018
Hey guy's i struggle with moderate acne usually pimples a step before noddles and cystic acne anyways the pimples are big but enough to be a cyst, i use differ-in seems to help but i want and long for clear skin i'm on a diet of non Dari non sugar non gluten and i'm 16 . I just long for clear skin i have tried every single way, i have stress problems, i just need to get rid of it i have probably spent no lies 1000, hours of reading on it. I'll do it everyday somebody help professional help.
May 7, 2018
Hey there i struggled with cystic acne too, use extra virgin olive oil i have an extremely sensitive skin type trust me spread a light layer on your face and don't rinse off, helps scars fade doesn't make it worse hope this helped you. :p
May 7, 2018
Use this crap only on big pimples, don't rub in too much. Also after overnight treatment wash your face for like 20 seconds (also wash your hands before.) with cold water, then moisturize with extra virgin olive oil ONLY. Then apply before you goto bed (so your face doesn't look irritated.)
May 7, 2018
hey bro, i get like moderate acne which is 25-100 small pimples, look i sturrgled with CYSTIC