User's Review Comments

No milk/No Dairy : Dairy Free Diet
May 20, 2018
Let me start by saying I never leave comments online, nor do I create accounts specifically for this purpose! but I feel the need to support this review from ComelyCobra. I too am on the road to becoming acne free after 15+ years of struggling with little to no improvement. I too have tried everything available to fight my acne such as topical and oral treatments, alternative treatments like cosmetic (facial) accupuncture and essential oil based products. Blood analysis tests, you name it. Nothing worked. I, like most everyone suffering from long term acne, resulted to thinking I would have to live with this for the rest of my Life. If you are like me, we are often told or come to think that acne is just “part of life” or “in our genes” but I am writing this to tell you that I am living proof that is not true or that it can be changed. I am 29 years old and have been suffering from moderate to severe acne since the age of 12 years old. I also struggled with back acne. The most effective thing I ever did to clear my skin and improve my overall health has happened within the last 6 months. As did ComelyCobra, I cut out dairy (Milk, ice cream and cheese most affected me) reduced sugar intake and cut down on meat consumption. This, in combination with water and light physical activity, was what my body needed to reset itself after all these years and hormonal struggles. No more birth control pills to help regulate my body, no more failed acne treatments, just all natural. Eat healthy, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Be conscious of the products you are putting on your skin, and the ones you are putting in your body too. I hope this can help inspire someone just like me who searched countless blogs and sites hoping for some true advice.