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Hey, I noticed there were not much mentioned on this website about peanuts so I am posting. I understand that everyone is different but me AND my brother also gets masssssive cysts when we eat pea...

In forum Diet & holistic health

3 years ago
Huge hormonal acne cysts - no idea why they are so severe?!

PEANUTS!!!!! They're the worst for my skin!!!

In forum Hormonal acne

3 years ago
Pizza, cookie, rice cause acne

Peanuts are soooo bad for my skin!!!!!

In forum Adult acne

3 years ago

I'm 10 years late to this thread but for what it's worth - I get massive cysts on my face whenever I eat peanuts! I had to discover this on my own. First I discovered it in dairy, now peanuts. I notic...

In forum Diet & holistic health

3 years ago