Forum Replies Created

Severe Cystic Acne After Pregnancy And Birth both for.responding. I am getting blood work done to test hormonal levels. I also tried the bactriban antibiotic oinment. I will look into the facial and.laser stuff but can't really.a...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Severe Cystic Acne After Pregnancy And Birth

No I do not.have any I started breaking out during pregnancy on my cheeks and a little on my chin. I also broke.out bad on my back. Then when I gave birth and was breastfeeding it got rea...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Severe Cystic Acne After Pregnancy And Birth

Wishclean!! Sorry I am.just getting.this message. me.directly at [removed] I am desperate!!! I was diagnosed with cystic acne by a d...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Severe Cystic Acne After Pregnancy And Birth

Katie27 Please let.Me.know.what has I have the same.issue since pregnancy and am.Now 12 I had to stop breastfeeding and go.on Doxycycline. It has only.been 3 days an...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago