Forum Replies Created

Documenting My 'tane Journey 37 Year Old Female

do you have any side pictures?

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Accutane 3.5 Months- No Progress

going through the same thing! lets wait it out..

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Accutane Log

I start next month and am worried of it getting a lot worse than where I started at. I've seen many people that get worse for the first 4-5 months and then the last month they clear up so you should b...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Zentane 80 Mg Log - 19 Yr Old Male, 124 Pounds - Please Start Working

I definitely went through the same thing, it broke out horribly the first 2 months, and continuted to break out kind of bad my third month. Im currently about to enter month 4, still worse then when i...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Accutane Log

Hello everyone, so I started accutane June 20, 2015. I am currently on day 89 and will begin my fourth month in two days. I am feeling a little down because my face has only gotten worse. Before accut...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
I Think I Gave Myself Acne

I don't think you can give yourself acne like that, at least I choose to believe that. I think what you were trying to treat was just the beginning and you would have gotten to where you are now with ...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
I Think I Gave Myself Acne

I went to the doctor and he just described it as a very mild acne, he prescribed BP but i didnt use it as im trying to let it heal naturally. Im only 17 so hopefully its just hormones acting up and wi...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
I Think I Gave Myself Acne

I didn't use any "acne" medicine except Clearsil and that was one time, after it burned my skin I never used it again. In specific, all I did was wash it with bar soap a few times, shampoo once or twi...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
I Think I Gave Myself Acne

can you explain to me how it developed please. I hope It does not get severe. I really doubt it will as right now it is kind of mild. EXACTLY whay happened to me..literally exactly exactly exactly. ...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
I Think I Gave Myself Acne

4 Months ago my face was beautiful, 9/10 no acne and it glowed perfectly. Fast forward 4 months, and I have become a whole new person. My face went to from no acne to bad mild acne, the whole right si...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago