Forum Replies Created

Can Vitamin D Supplements Worsen Acne?

in the letter my doctor sent me it says: "vitamin D deficiency is relatively common especially in Western New York". which is true since the only time we get real good sunlight is in the summer months...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Oily Skin And Hormones? Spironolactone?

If you're looking to reduce sebum production, chromium is a great supplement to try. As long as you get the polynicotinate form and not the picolinate form, then you don't really have to worry about ...

In forum Hormonal acne

12 years ago
Can Vitamin D Supplements Worsen Acne?

The cod liver oil caused you acne or oil-based vitamin D-3 pills did? Not calling you a liar whatsoever, I just find it hard to believe the Vitamin D would be the actual cause of acne. I would think...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Can Vitamin D Supplements Worsen Acne?

AnnaMoyer--Off topic, but have you ever watched Prison Break? Because I could honestly mistake your picture for Sarah on that show. Haha That's a compliment anyway, nothing bad.

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Can Vitamin D Supplements Worsen Acne?

Haha I think everyone thinks I'm suggesting the oil-based D-3 over natural sunlight. I don't think any semi-intelligent person would recommend that, as light is the most significant natural source of...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Can Vitamin D Supplements Worsen Acne?

Actually, there's at least one researcher that says that in addition to the D3 we also make a sulfated form of vitamin D that is water soluble and can go places and do things the fat soluble D3 can't....

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Can Vitamin D Supplements Worsen Acne?

Actually, there's at least one researcher that says that in addition to the D3 we also make a sulfated form of vitamin D that is water soluble and can go places and do things the fat soluble D3 can't....

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Can Vitamin D Supplements Worsen Acne?

For the record, the prescribed Vit D is not the D3 in the oil based supplements or that one can get from the sun. Instead it's D2, which your body can tolerate high levels of and then convert to D3. I...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Can Vitamin D Supplements Worsen Acne?

In the winter, we absorb basically no vitamin D. And depending on where you live, the only time to get adequate levels might be during the summer. Your doctor will recommend prescription unless he k...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Can Vitamin D Supplements Worsen Acne?

Even though the doctor prescribed it, I would highly recommend not filling the prescription and buying your own oil based Vitamin D-3 pills, online or in-store. I've read hundreds and hundreds of rev...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
I Want my SEBUM Back

Given that P. Acnes are found on most skin types, there are really only two assumptions that can be made about acne. It's either the excess sebum(LOL), or its the abnormal skin shedding. I've got a ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago