Forum Replies Created

Mild Cystic Acne?

Hello, Long time on-and-off DKR user. Currently back on the wagon after veering off for five years, because DKR has proven to be the only thing to keep my skin clear. I achieved perfectly clear skin ...

In forum General acne discussion

4 years ago
Skin looking dull, brown-ish?

Hi there, Thanks for the reply. I am following the Regimen exactly, and I've ordered the AHA+ (hopefully it all ships soon). I think my skin is just getting used to the treatment; I trust it'll g...

In forum The Regimen

4 years ago
Skin looking dull, brown-ish?

Hi, Long time user of DKR, but not consistently since 2015. From 2010 until 2015, I used it regularly with great success. Long story short, I fell off the wagon trying to find a "natural" method to k...

In forum The Regimen

4 years ago
DKR for Mild Acne?

Hello, Long time DKR user, and one time veteran of It's... good to be back? Meaning: I have acne problems again, lol, but I'm grateful for Anyway, I once had moderate/severe acne t...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Questions from an Ambiguously Supportive Long-Term DKR User


In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Questions from an Ambiguously Supportive Long-Term DKR User

Hello, Long time no see! I used to be a regular on the boards back in 2010 and 2011, as I cleared up the most severe acne (cystic on face, chest, and back) on DKR. It was wonderful to see my skin, whi...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
The Regimen doesn't work.

I experienced a breakout around week 4-5, as have many people on here. Don't hold the "What to Expect" page to be exactly what your experience will be like; I found that mine didn't really follow that...

In forum The Regimen

14 years ago
A Helpful Little Regimen "Handbook" (two parts: read first two posts)

Hey Kat!   Wow, great post: very informative, well-researched and well-written! Thanks a million for this. Even though I've been on the Regimen for almost 4 full months I still have little freak-...

In forum The Regimen

14 years ago
you know its bad when..

when you get invited on a trip with your coworkers but refuse to go into the public baths for not only your face but your body acne   when smearing milk of goddamn magnesia all over your face see...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

14 years ago