Forum Replies Created

Anyone tried Onexton?

skinceuticals is over the counter and highly recommended by many doctors. I've tried so many, and just love the gentle cleanser. But I find I need the toner with the cleanser to get all of my makeup o...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Anyone tried Onexton?

I use the Skinceuticals gentle cleanser and toner. And I use them day and night. Then I apply the Onexton and then finally I use dermalogica moisturizer. Don't know why I use two different brands but ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Anyone tried Onexton?

I've been dealing with terrible cystic acne on my chin area (sometimes around my nose and eyebrows). I know it's hormonal, but I refuse to take pills for the problem. Instead, I've been going with top...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago