User's Review Comments

Vitamin D (Vitamin D3)
August 19, 2019

OK had a massive breakout - 10 new pimples, but I think it was some new product I introduced to get rid of red marks/PIE. Lesson learned :(

August 15, 2019

3 week update: I definitely feel like Vitamin D is working for my skin. I've had 1 or 2 pimples over the last month but it's very much under control, and I think this supplement combination is the most consistent treatment for my acne since I was on accutane years ago.

In terms of mood/energy etc I don't actually notice much. If anything I feel like I'm way more lethargic and drained of energy since taking these vitamins. I'll update in a few weeks.

July 31, 2019

Been taking 5000Ui daily for the last week along with K3, Vitamin A, and Magnesium supplements (all daily). I think it helps the active acne calm down faster, but I'm still getting new pimples, although my skin seems drier. I'll keep using for a month to see if it does anything more but so far it's not the holy grail/cure all for me. It's disappointing as I'm 26 and have had steady acne since I was 12. Tried everything (accutane, spend hundreds of $$ on skin care products, moisturisers, chemical peels) but seen very little results; I always have at least one pimple on my face. Vitamin D made sense to me as I rarely see the sun. Overall my skin looks brighter and healthier, but like I said I still get new pimples.

I haven't experienced any great mood changes, but it's still early. I'll update in a month.