Forum Replies Created

So it was sugar this whole time?

I'm definitely going to give this a try!! I realized that with breakfast (orange juice and a bagel with honey) I was ingesting 118 grams of sugar every morning!!! I cut that out and noticed a big chan...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago
How ya feelin' about your acne today?

ACNE SUCKS SO MUCH BUTT! However today I am feeling a little better about it I tapped into a little internal confidence and focus after hiking up a mountain in the snow last night by myself (true sto...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

13 years ago
What's a good acne product for dry and sensitive skin?

If your breakouts are due to dry skin, I would suggest a nice light moisturizing lotion. Currently I am using Olay's sensitive forumla. It is a tad pricey, but worth it.   Also, I know clean and...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

13 years ago