Forum Replies Created

The OIL CLEANSING METHOD (Highly Recommended!)

the rash on my cheeks is now so bad that the only stuff that i can put on it is fresh aloe vera. It does help with the inflammation but i suspect it will take a long time for my skin to heal. In the m...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

9 years ago
The OIL CLEANSING METHOD (Highly Recommended!)

The OCM really messed up my skin, i wish i had never tried it. I had clear skin thanks to retin-a but when i developed a cyst on my chin due to a hormonal imbalance i came to this site and stumbled ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

9 years ago
Age 50, Cystic Acne For The First Time In My Life

thanks a lot, Melloman. I do believe that my cystic acne is hormonal, as it appeared when my periods stopped and when my doctor prescribed some bio-identical, plant-based hormones to manage my hot fla...

In forum Adult acne

9 years ago
Lingering Localized Cystic Acne

Hi, i feel your pain and frustration. I too am battling with a stubborn cyst. I have tried the castor oil/grape seed oil treatment, noticed some improvement to my overall skin appearance, but the cyst...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Age 50, Cystic Acne For The First Time In My Life

hi there, i have just reached the menopause and my skin has become a mess. I did have some acne as a teenager, (never developed cysts) but in my adult life my skin was never an issue. I have always h...

In forum Adult acne

9 years ago